I know it's been a while since I last wrote.....something like 10 months. Much has happened and changed in that time. Actually to much to list, but maybe through this blog some more of that will come out. For now this is what I have for you......
Here are a couple of cross roads that I am facing at the moment. No answers......just questions for the time being.
Why do we continually find ourselves at these places in life where there are major decisions to make? Will we ever find that peace of knowing that where we are is where we are supposed to be?
How can so many people who claim to believe the same thing that you do treat each other so poorly? What drives us to be "about" that? Not only why do we do it, but why do we seem to find so much joy in doing it?
Will I ever have a job where I have a summer off to spend with my family?
If I come up with any answers I will let you know.......
Service: Learning About Ourselves.... and others
12 years ago